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The Moon made me do it!

Michelle Louise

One of my favourite things to do is to share knowledge and bring together peoples experiences, expertise and shout about some of my favourite people doing their thing in the world. Here starts what is hopefully the first of many blogs about those people sharing how and why they do what they do whilst giving you something to take away and use to your own advantage. First up is the Moon! Now if you follow me on Instagram you will know I share a lot about the moon, the good and the not so good stuff as we go through the seasons. I have found such strength in understanding about lunar cycles and the impact this can have. It has quite literally been transformational and so I asked the beautiful soul Amy to share a bit more information.


Interview with Amy  (one half of the founders -Amy & Tay- of On the Brightside)


Amy tell me when did you first start following moon cycles and guidance. What got you into it?

As long as I remember I’ve felt a strong connection to the moon and her energy. Even as a child my Mum would always tell me that my Dad and I were different around a full moon and I started to notice this myself too. I felt that a full moon enhanced or exasperated what I was already feeling. Little did I know then, that she was shining a light onto the areas in my life where I needed to focus or change.

In my early thirties I started to read more and more about the moon and her cyclical nature and how this in turn can link up with our feminine cycle. I started plotting the full moon in my diary so that I could see how it impacted me. After being trained to level 1 in reiki in 2012 I then started to work with the new moon to set my intentions and journalling on the full moon to release anything that was no longer serving me to my highest good.

About 5 or 6 years ago I treated myself to my first lunar diary and I now enjoy working with all phases of the moon, listening to my bodies energy and flowing with the ebbs and flows of energy and emotions that this can bring.


What  benefits have you found from lunar living?

I find I’m much kinder to myself now and where I can I will arrange my social calendar around my / the lunar cycle. I know that my energy levels are low and I feel the need to retreat and rest during the dark and new moon whereas I have more energy, need less sleep and am more sociable during the full moon phase. I also do this with my work where this is possible. I feel that this way I am going with the flow rather than battling against it.

I feel that awareness of what energies or feelings a certain lunar phase may bring up in me helps. For example, if I know that we’re in an Aries moon, a fire sign, I will be careful to avoid confrontation or notice where I may be going at things too full on like a Ram (the symbol for Aries), I will journal around the thoughts and feelings that are coming up for me and wait for the energies to subside before having a conversation that could potentially be a little fiery.


Tell me about your On the Brightside Community

We started our On the Brightside of the Moon during lock down. I had been working with the lunar cycles for a while and had the idea of holding a monthly women’s circle where we could share learning and support each other. I am all about the ideas and struggle to put things into action at times and so in stepped my wonderful bestie and work wife Tay AKA Mrs Action and together On the Brightside was born. It started as a monthly zoom meeting where I would offer a lunar energy update and Tay would do a talk on a specific subject and we would end with a meditation. Over the last couple of years we’ve had various guest speakers join us to share a range of different topics from Tarot to Transcendental Meditation.


We also offer a variety of workshops, some of which are collaborations, we’ve had create and meditate, cacao and sound bath, vision boards and twice yearly retreats. The retreats are out in nature and include a movement session, community lunch, mindful crafting, meditation and sound bath.

The WhatsApp group has become a beautiful supportive community of likeminded souls. We share information, lift each other up, offer a listening ear and many a kind word to one another along with local and online events and the occasional silly meme 😊


How can anyone join – where can they find you?

We have a Facebook and Instagram account but the most interaction currently happens in our WhatsApp Community. You can also get in touch via those channels to ask to be added to the WhatsApp. Our booking link for events is


What tips would you give to anyone wanting to get started working with the moon cycles?

I would recommend printing out a simple online lunar calendar for the year ahead, something that just shows new and full moons would be great to start with or alternatively something like Yasmin Boland’s Moonology diary is fantastic if you’re happy to jump right in and buy one.

Start with writing down 3 intentions during the new moon phase, you can put these under your pillow or on a windowsill where the light of the moon will shine upon them. Then write down 3 things you can release or forgive (including yourself) during the full moon, you could safely burn these to help with the releasing and letting go process.

Some people I would recommend following on social media or have a look at their websites are Kirsty Gallagher; Yasmin Boland and Forever Conscious. I believe that they all offer not only monthly lunar updates, but also meditations or rituals to support you until you find your own rhythm and flow.

Another simple action could be to pop an emoji face or write one word against each day on your calendar or in your diary to keep a track of how the moons energies effect you and see what patterns come up for you.

The most important thing is to listen to what your body is telling you to do, if you don’t know or you can’t hear it may be time to add a stillness practice to your day to quieten the internal chatter and hear what your heart has to say.

A huge thank you to Amy and if you want to know more about On the Brightside of the Moon, go find them on Instagram or Facebook!

Much love and magic,




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